Tenoch Huerta was born in January 29, 1981 and which makes Tenoch Huerta Age (44 Years)
Tenoch Huerta height According to our resources is 5’8″
Tenoch Huerta maintains a weight of 65 KG
Tenoch Huerta has striking Brown eyes.
As of the latest reports, Tenoch Huerta‘s net worth is estimated to be 5 million.
Tenoch Huerta zodiac sign is Aquarius , as Tenoch Huerta was born on January 29, 1981
Tenoch Huerta Chloe Cherry was born and raised in Ecatepec de Morelos, State of Mexico
Tenoch Huerta holds an Bachelor’s Degree
Tenoch Huerta is a successful Actor
Tenoch Huerta is an Mexican by nationality.
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