Christopher Mintz-Plasse Height, Age, Net Worth & Biography

What is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Age?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse was born in June 20, 1989 and which makes Christopher Mintz-Plasse Age (35 Years)

What is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Height? or How tall is Christopher Mintz-Plasse?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse height According to our resources is 5’8″

How Much Does Christopher Mintz-Plasse Weigh?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse maintains a weight of 68 KG

What is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Eye Color?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse has striking Brown eyes.

What is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Net Worth?

As of the latest reports, Christopher Mintz-Plasse‘s net worth is estimated to be 12000000.

What is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Zodiac Sign?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse zodiac sign is Gemini , as Christopher Mintz-Plasse was born on June 20, 1989

Where is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Hometown?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse Chloe Cherry was born and raised in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States

What is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Educational Background?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse holds an Associate Degree

What is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Career?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse is a successful American actor

What is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Nationality?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse is an American  by nationality.

What is Christopher Mintz-Plasse Famous For?

Christopher Mintz-Plasse is Also Known For?


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